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After the death of her ill mother in a fire, the young teenager Anna tries to commit suicide and is sent to a mental institution for treatment. Ten months later, Anna still cannot remember what had happened on the night her mother died. Her psychiatric Dr. Silberling, however, discharges her telling that she has resolved her issues. Her father and successful writer, Steven, brings her back home in an isolated mansion nearby the coast. Anna finds that her mother's former nurse, Rachel Summers, is her stepmother now. Anna meets her beloved sister, Alex, swimming in the sea. She discovers that Steven has not delivered the letters and CDs that Alex had sent to her. As time moves on, Anna is haunted by ghosts and she believes that Rachel killed her mother. Alex and Anna decide to look for evidences to prove that Rachel is the murderer and Anna discovers the truth about the fire in the boat house.


Anna (Emily Browning) baru saja keluar dari rumah sakit jiwa. Ia disarankan dokter untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu yang dia telah dimulai. Anna masuk ke rumah sakit jiwa karena didapati memiliki gangguan mental yang disebabkan sebuah kecelakaan / kebakaran yang menghanguskan ibunya.

Dia kembali ke rumahnya di pantai New England. Ayahnya (David Straitharn) memperkenalkan kekasih barunya Rachel (Elizabeth Banks), yg merupakan mantan perawat ibunya. Kemudian Anna bertemu dengan Alex, kakaknya dan juga Matt, yang merupakan kekasihnya.

Anna yang selalu bermimpi buruk tentang kejadian kebakaran ibunya pun mulai dapat melihat hal-hal aneh disekitarnya, yang akhirnya berujung pada kejanggalan - kejanggalan tentang Rachel (kekasih baru ayahnya). Semua hal aneh tersebut pun membawa Anna meyakini bahwa Rachel sengaja membakar rumah dan Ibunya u/ mendapatkan kekayaan Sang Ayah.

Anna pun berusaha untuk menyingkap semua misteri mengenai Rachel dan berusaha membuktikan kebenaran.

Release date(s)
January 30, 2009 
Directed by
The Guard Brothers
Story by
Original screenplay:
Kim Jee-Woon
Craig Rosenberg
Doug Miro
Carlo Bernard
Running time
87 min.
United States
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