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The story is adapted dar novel best seller offers a unique love story between man and vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) who are reluctant to move to the cities Fork with continuous cloudy weather. According to Bella that he would only get inferior social position as when he was still in phoenix. But the story turned out to others, she got attention from boys high school there. And the special attention of Edward Cullen, Vampire (Robert Pattinson).

Love romance began when they both started to know each other that edward even though vampires do not eat humans, edward can live forever. Bella who turned out to have a unique scent that enthused the vampire became seizure of the vampire clan there. Vampire clan that consists of James (Cam Gigandet), Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre), and Laurent (Edi Gathegi) began to threaten the relationship bella and edward are happy and dangerous.

Cullens family exert all his efforts to protect bella from another vampire clan attacks. Is bella saved? And what about the continuation of love are two different types of course be interesting to watch.


Cerita yang disadur dar novel best seller ini menawarkan kisah cinta yang unik antara manusia dan vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) yang enggan untuk pindah ke kota FOrk dengan cuaca berawan yang terus menerus. Menurut Bella ia hanya akan mendapatkan posisi sosial rendah diri seperti saat ia masih di phoenix. Namun ceritanya ternyata lain, dia mendapat perhatian dari anak-anak lelaki SMU disana. Dan perhatian istimewa dari Edward Cullen, Vampire (Robert Pattinson).

Romansa cintanya dimulai ketika mereka berdua mulai saling mengenal bahwa edward meskipun vampir tidak memakan manusia, edward dapat hidup selamanya. Bella yang ternyata memiliki aroma unik yang diminati para vampire menjadi rebutan para klan vampire di sana. Klan vampire yang terdiri dari James (Cam Gigandet), Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre), dan Laurent (Edi Gathegi) mulai mengancam hubungan bella dan edward yang bahagia dan berbahaya.

Keluarga cullens mengerahkan semua usahanya untuk melindungi bella dari serangan klan vampire lain. Apakah bella selamat? Dan bagaimana kelanjutan cinta dua jenis yang berbeda ini tentu menjadi menarik untuk ditonton.

Release date(s)
November 21, 2008
Directed by
Story by
Stephenie Meyer (novel)
Running time
121 minutes
Drama | Fantasy | Romance | Thriller
United States
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